(Updated 02/11/19)
The Data Controller (the organisation responsible for looking after your data) is The Neuadd Holidays Limited. When we say “we”, “our”, “us”, etc., that’s who we’re talking about. We are committed to using your personal information responsibly, protecting your information and informing you how we will use it. In this policy, you’ll find the data protection principles we follow.
Data Controller Contact Details
If you wish to make contact with us as Data Controller please email
Your Personal Data
Personal data that you enter such as name, contact details, booking and the payment details you provide to us during bookings are processed, stored and used solely in relation to your bookings.
We may from time to time provide the option for you to enrol your details specifically for the purpose of marketing promotional communications. Where this is the case it will be made expressly clear by us and your personal data will only be used for the purpose specified at that time.
In relation to the storage of your personal data, we act as Data Controller and we only utilise Data Processors that we have checked are GDPR compliant.
We may also use and disclose your personal data for compliance purposes, to the extent that we are required to do so by law or regulation by a law enforcement or taxation agency or for the purposes of preventing crime. We may also use and disclose your personal data without your permission in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings, and in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights.
Please note that some of the banking data you enter during the booking process is not shared with us by the payment processing provider you select for payment. The banking service provider acts as Data Controller for the payment information and communicates the funds transfer along with the identity data necessary to confirm the transaction. We utilise Stripe as our payment gateway provider and do not ask them to pass your card details to us. We do not ask stripe to retain your card details.
Your Web Activity Data
We utilise as our website platform and as our booking engine. and use Cookies. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on a web-site visitor's browser, usually used to keep track of their movements and actions on a site.
To understand what Cookies may be used by when you visit our site please see here:
To understand what Cookies may be used by when you use our booking functionality please see here:
You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, please refer to the Information Commissioners Office website
Please note that by deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies you may not be able to access certain areas or features of our site.